Celebrating Our Donors and Volunteers

Volunteer Spotlight
"I didn’t know the extent or the far- reaching effects of The United Way."

Donor Spotlight
3M donated Christmas hams and turkeys to the UWMC partner agencies this Christmas and boy were we thankful!

Donor Spotlight
Thanks to our generous community that donated items, we were able to put together 75 WInter Warming Kits for the Salvation Army to distribute to their clients!

Volunteer Spotlight
Decatur Utilities is so good to us year round! We are so thankful for their love and support!

Volunteer Spotlight
As we celebrate fathers, dads and father stand-ins on June 20th, United Way of Morgan County wanted to wish a particularly happy Father’s Day to one of our own…Clarence Roberts. A local business owner, Clarence is also a volunteer for United Way and an all-around good guy. Here are some questions…asked and answered…to help you get to know him.